In today I commissioned by someone close friend to upgrade The cuisine henna from moderate maksimalisme to maximum realism. A cinch when ein know what ein drive with. Eg took thesis seriously, and presents it to doctor the result here.
(May contain product placement)
Image 1, left, shows cookingcabin board etaravdelinga against labor department. Even though pine is on full tit into att, it completely wrong on so eeeekstremt large surfaces shown here. Fruit Skåla looks molefonken and åleine out, right on the table. Brettspelduppedittane gives an impression something lined up, likes not!
On the right we have styla table with black oilcloth from Substance and style, plastic box with toys from Ikea, random post-and-newspaper pile sculpture from various suppliers. Mugge from Tupperware and kofta from Loppis. In total all, suddenly much more levande and genuine.
Below other hand, stylist, ie eg, frying grip on problematic. By placing the red vaskebytta, in its stand, by since the bench looks ein better that here there is something happening. In addition to that it has a delicious Red color that gives life to the timber that otherwise prevails largely. A simple and not least inexpensive way to renew the residence of (Nille). Samleis stopped dust sugar hose so roughly middle of the floor, so ein single pass, whereas ein enjoy the sight of the rounded shape. Knives from Victorinox m.a. A blackboard to hang extra much paper and lapperi with, make sure ein easier (!) Holding track of family member in everyday life (Europris)
Image 2. Workbench before and after transformation. As they see have bench top image EiT something flat expression. Ein is not happy and excited to get into here. Here there is little handfast grasp.
As they look at the bottom picture of dishwashing department characterized by extreme order and hygiene, my close friend lir of one or obsession that things at any given time should be looked inside hemp properly and clean and pure. Maximum realism goes out hard in the opposite direction. Inn with matreistar, empty mjølkekartongar, opne dishwashers from Miele, acidic cookingcabin filler (heim knitted anytime), piled dishwashing and thermos from Sunday trip. Not Hide yourself behind a wall of green soap, chlorine, feittfjernar, Plumbo, ammonia, liquid dish. It is away-tossed time.
Show who you are, yeah let it Skin through.
Turn you loose.
Innreiing of houses and cookingcabin should be fun.
All personal.
And not least,
trendy untrendy.
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